Absolutely! I was raised in it and left more than 15 years ago. The first few years were a little rough, now life gets better and better. Freedom is a wonderful thing. Once i made peace with the decision I had made the rest was easy. Once you find your balance to the point no one can shake you from it, the witnesses have no control.
just fine
JoinedPosts by just fine
Are You Comfortable With Who You Now Are?
by minimus inmany jws are misfits and many that were raised as jws find it difficult to be "normal".
are you comfortable with yourself at this point in time?.
How many of you haven't fared too well since your exit?
by i_drank_the_wine ini know that i've had a hard time piecing things back together after losing my wife and family a couple years ago and haven't really gotten the ball rolling to say the least.
just curious to hear if anyone else is in the same boat, or was in the same boat and how long it took them to get a "new life" figured out and going..
just fine
When I first left I was completely lost. I didn't know what to do with my new found freedom and I did party quite a bit that first year. Then I decided to join some other groups. I played volleyball on a league, joined a women's basketball team, played on the company softball team, volunteered at the animal shelter, and adopted a dog from the shelter. It all helped me to gain some balance and perspective. I went to college and got my degree. I have been out 13 years now and I'm in a good place. It'll happen........ just keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Name Things That Are Unique To Jehovah's Witnesses
by minimus inthey are the only religion that i know of that disapprove of a college education.
they alone believe in the significance of 1914. they exclusively believe that christ jesus is michael the archangel.....to name a few.. what can you add to the list?.
just fine
They tear families apart in the name of Jehovah.
Persons who disagree are labled crazy, demonized or both.
Reaching a Significant Milestone
by Quendi inhello friends,.
sunday, 4 september 2011 will go down as an important day in my spiritual journey.
i had an extraordinary experience today that i feel compelled to share with all of you.
just fine
I am glad you are finding acceptance and comfort. What a difference from what we all felt at the Hall.
Another step in healing from the days as a JW
by FlyingHighNow ini am bringing this over from the "still no pants suits, for sisters" thread.. it's funny how i don't think much about healing from the jw's anymore.
i was not raised a jw.
i was only active for around 10 years.
just fine
When I look back now I can't believe the incredible journey life has become. The fear and bitterness gradually replaced by peace and confidence that I was making good choices on my own. When I first left I was afraid of everything, Armadgeddon, other witnesses finding out about my sins, etc.
Two things I learned that apply to witnesses and any other persons in your life "other people only have as much control over you as you allow, and other people will only treat you as poorly as you allow them to." With that I could take back control of my life, decisions, and everything else - I realised it was all up to me and I didn't have to allow the Witnesses any place in my life.
Another step in healing from the days as a JW
by FlyingHighNow ini am bringing this over from the "still no pants suits, for sisters" thread.. it's funny how i don't think much about healing from the jw's anymore.
i was not raised a jw.
i was only active for around 10 years.
just fine
It does fade in time. I have been out since 98 and I am happy, content and at peace with my life. Back then there was no peace I feel sorry for the sadness I see in my family's eye's (they are all still in). They are sad, tired, and lonely and I am the one at peace. It's all good........
Was There Any Thread or Any Poster That Really Got You Thinking?
by minimus inthere was a poster named jt that i'd read and relate to.
he was very experienced and i very much respected his point of view.
he left all the praise and authority he had because he simply knew it was all a crock.
just fine
There were alot of different posters along the way that helped me through my transition to normal life. I think one of the most profound experiences was entertaining everyone else's point of view whether I agreed or not. When I was in the organization I felt as though even listening to a contary point of view was wrong. But "listening" to the posters here made me realize I didn't have to agree with anyone - just decide what I thought was best. I used to visit chat on a regular basis back then. I've been out for ten years now and still read this site often - although I don't post often.
for "born-ins"
by Mandette indoes anyone remember being a little kid and being forced to sit through those 2 hour meetings?
specifically being made to listen to graphic accounts of whatever country that was going through horrific persecution.
(or any other horrors you might remember).
just fine
Wow - I hadn't thought about any of this in a long time. I remember being sick with fear over the graphic details they would give about the torture techiniques, the one about having your fingernails pulled out and the bamboo shoots stuck with me. I lived in contstant fear when I was a child - if it wasn't Armageddon - it was displeasing Jehovah and ending up dead - or displeasing the elders and having your family taken away by disfellowshipping. It all seems so foreign now to me after having been out for 10 years.
Apes prove male superiority
by joelbear inwithin the great apes the male is always dominant.
as they are the highest on the evolutionary track next to man i think it proves that males are supposed to dominate women in all aspects of life.
just fine
Have you lost your mind?!?! Stereotyping male or female behavior is counterproductive for everyone involved. I am a woman who is guided by rational thoughts and not feelings. I am a member of senior management for the company I work for - and I am damn good at what I do. I don't think the patriarchy of the apes prove anything for humans. One would think humans as the more evolved species would have realized women are not better or worse than men - just different.
Out of the Mouth of Babes...
by RichieRich inso this week on the service meeting there was a part in the km about divine education.
true to form, it was another anti-college, pro-pioneering propaganda piece put out by our buddies in brooklyn.. in the third paragraph, it babbled forth about how colleges and universities don't teach people to overcome racism, tribalism, and something else.
(someone please post scan on dec. 2005 km front page).
just fine
I can certainly relate. I traveled to a convention in Canada once with a girl who was homeschooled. As we were approaching the guard station where we cross she said " we dont have to do this when we go to any other state, why do we have to do it here?" I informed her Canada was another COUNTRY and she wanted to argue that Canada was part of the US. Hello?